[資料] 人種・エスニシティ論: カルメン・ヴァン・カーコヴ「人種混淆型のアイデンティティをめぐる神話と現実」ほか

※ 言語態分析+α(動画の使用言語は外国語)



□ C・ヴァン・カーコヴ「スペインのバスケットボールチームの広告について」(2008)

 Carmen Van Kerckhove discusses why it was racist and derogatory to people of Asian descent when Spain's Olympic basketball team posed in an ad pulling their eyes back.


□ C・ヴァン・カーコヴ「芸者と数学オタク ― アジア系アメリカ人ステレオタイプ

 This seminar examines the most common racial stereotypes --- both negative and positive --- about Asians and Asian-Americans and demonstrates how these widespread ideas can manifest themselves in everyday life. Using a variety of media, Carmen Van Kerckhove explores the historical origins of these stereotypes and explains why they are so harmful.
