[資料] マーティン・ルーサー・キングJr. / マルコムX [説教・講演・討論]

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マーティン・ルーサー・キング Jr. 「私は山頂に登ってきた」
□ マルコムX: 「我々の歴史は奴隷制によって破壊された」
マーティン・ルーサー・キング Jr. 「私には夢がある」
□ マルコムX: 「君自身を憎むことを誰が教えたのか?
           / 君が属している人種を憎むことを誰が教えたのか?」
□ 関連文献   □ 関連記事 [サイト内]


マーティン・ルーサー・キング Jr. 「私は山頂に登ってきた」

Martin Luther King, Jr., "I've Been to the Mountaintop"
Mason Temple, Memphis, Tennessee (April 3, 1968).


  "[...] All we say to America is, "Be true to what you said on paper." If I lived [in those days, 1960s] in China or even Russia, or any totalitarian country, maybe I could understand some of these illegal injunctions. Maybe I could understand the denial of certain basic First Amendment privileges, because they hadn't committed themselves to that over there. But somewhere I read of the freedom of assembly. Somewhere I read of the freedom of speech. Somewhere I read of the freedom of press. Somewhere I read that the greatness of America is the right to protest for right. And so just as I say, we aren't going to let dogs or water hoses turn us around, we aren't going to let any injunction turn us around. [...]

  [...] And then I got to Memphis. And some began to say the threats, or talk about the threats that were out. What would happen to me from some of our sick white brothers?
   Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn't matter with me now. Because I've been to the mountaintop. And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over.
   And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land.
   And I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord."


□ マルコムX: 「我々の歴史は奴隷制によって破壊された」

Malcolm X: "Our History was destroyed by Slavery"
TV show "City Desk", Chicago (March 17, 1963).

   "My father didn't know his last name. My father got his last name from his grandfather and his grandfather got it from his grandfather who got it from the slavemaster. The real names of our people were destroyed during slavery. The last name of my forefathers was taken from them when they were brought to America and made slaves, and then the name of the slavemaster was given, which we refuse, we reject that name today and refuse it. I never acknowledge it whatsoever."


マーティン・ルーサー・キング Jr. 「私には夢がある」

M. L. King, Jr., "I Have a Dream"
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C. (August 28, 1963).

音源: "I have a dream", Internet Archive.



□ マルコムX:
  / 君が属している人種を憎むことを誰が教えたのか?」

Malcolm X:
 "Who taught you to hate yourself?
  / Who taught you to hate the race that you belong to?"
Los Angeles, California (22 May, 1962).

   " Who taught you to hate the texture of your hair? Who taught you to hate the color of your skin? Who taught you to hate the shape of your nose and the shape of your lips? Who taught you to hate yourself from the top of your head to the soles of your feet? Who taught you to hate your own kind? Who taught you to hate the race that you belong to so much so that you don't want to be around each other? No... Before you come asking Mr. Muhammad does he teach hate, you should ask yourself who taught you to hate being what God made you."


□ 関連文献

  • Matin Luther King, A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr., ed. James M. Washington (Harper One, 1990).
  • ―― A Call to Conscience: The Landmark Speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Clayborne Carson & Kris Shephard, eds. (Warner Books, 2001). 梶原寿監訳『M・L・キング 説教・講演集』(新教出版社、2003年)。
  • Malcolm X, Malcolm X: the last speeches, ed. Bruce Perry (Pathfinder, 1989).
  • ―― Malcolm X talks to young people : speeches in the U.S., Britain, and Africa (Pathfinder, 1991).
  • M・L・キング、マルコムX、T・モリスン他『アメリカの黒人演説集』荒このみ編訳(岩波文庫、2008年)。